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Court proceedings in Switzerland

Published on1 Dec 2024

Singapore, 01 December 2024 - In December 2023, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) in Switzerland asked the Federal Court to consider charges against Trafigura Beheer BV (TBBV), the former parent company of the Trafigura Group.  The charges allege that TBBV did not have in place all reasonable and necessary organisational measures to prevent unlawful payments to a former employee of the Angolan state energy company between 2009-2011.  


TBBV’s anti-bribery and anti-corruption controls and compliance programme in place at the relevant time have been externally reviewed and assessed to have met applicable legal requirements and international good practice standards. TBBV will, on this basis, defend itself at court in Switzerland from 2 December 2024.   


Trafigura has invested significant resources in strengthening its compliance programme over a number of years. This includes implementing mandatory training for all staff, continuously strengthening its compliance policies, procedures and controls, and taking the decision to prohibit the use of third parties for business origination with effect from 2019.  Trafigura does not tolerate any breach or circumvention of its compliance controls or code of conduct.





For further information please contact: 

Trafigura’s Press Office: +41 (0) 22 592 4528 or