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Statement re Trafigura’s petroleum products business in Mongolia

Published on30 Oct 2024

Singapore, 30 October, 2024 - An internal review followed by an external forensic investigation have uncovered serious misconduct by individuals in Trafigura’s Mongolian petroleum products supply business.  


The misconduct included manipulation of data and documents, resulting in inflated sums being paid by Trafigura, and deliberate concealment of overdue receivables. It involved a complex chain of transactions with a small number of local counterparties.  


The external investigation remains ongoing but has confirmed a significant exposure for the Group, accumulated over approximately five years. A substantial proportion of the total exposure has been acknowledged as a debt owed to Trafigura by our principal counterparty in Mongolia. We intend to hold the counterparty to their repayment obligation.  


Taking a conservative view of expected debt recovery, however, we expect to record a total provision of US$1.1 billion. While the accounting treatment under IFRS is subject to final audit, it is likely that Trafigura will be required to restate prior year comparative figures in its 2024 financial statements, in accordance with International Accounting Standard (IAS) 8.  


Jeremy Weir, Executive Chairman and CEO said: “We are bitterly disappointed by the misconduct in our Mongolian oil business. There is no place in Trafigura for wrongdoing and we are taking appropriate disciplinary action against the small number of individuals involved. Following in-depth reviews, we are confident that this issue is isolated to a self-contained operation in Mongolia. Nonetheless, we are taking further actions to improve oversight and controls across the Group.  


“I also want to recognise the increased internal scrutiny of our business introduced during 2023 and the conscientiousness of the Trafigura employees that helped us uncover these issues.  Their diligence reflects the culture of responsibility and ownership we aim to instil throughout our global business.”  


Following a comprehensive risk assessment of our global network of offices, in-depth reviews have been completed in higher-risk locations with no significant findings.  We have identified and will continue to implement a range of further actions to strengthen credit control, risk management, operational and other controls. These actions will be subject to external assurance, reporting to the Audit Committee.  


Trafigura will report full-year results in December 2024 for the financial year ended 30 September 2024.  As at the balance sheet date, the Group maintained a strong liquidity position of US$14.15bn and expects to report shareholders’ equity in excess of US$16bn, subject to final audit.





For further information please contact:    

Trafigura’s Press Office: +41 (0) 22 592 4528 or  


About Trafigura  

Trafigura is a leading commodities group, owned by its employees and founded over 30 years ago. At the heart of global supply, Trafigura connects vital resources to power and build the world. We deploy infrastructure, market expertise and our worldwide logistics network to move oil and petroleum products, metals and minerals, gas and power from where they are produced to where they are needed, forming strong relationships that make supply chains more efficient, secure and sustainable. We invest in renewable energy projects and technologies to facilitate the transition to a low-carbon economy, including through MorGen Energy and joint venture Nala Renewables.  


The Trafigura Group also comprises industrial assets and operating businesses including multi-metals producer Nyrstar, fuel storage and distribution company Puma Energy, the Impala Terminals joint venture and Greenergy, supplier and distributor of transportation fuels and biofuels. The Group employs over 12,000 people, of which over 1,400 are shareholders and is active in 156 countries.  

